
How to Add Email Signatures to Messages in Popular Email Clients

Struggling with adding your signature to messages in an email client? This guide should help you get things right.


You probably already know that GetDevDone crafts professional-looking email signatures that render perfectly across all major platforms and devices. However, creating a signature is only the first step. You also need to be able to add it to your messages in a specific email application which is something that many people find challenging. 

If you fall into that group, this guide on adding signatures to four popular email clients should help you get things going in the right direction. 

Make sure you have the .html file with your signature on hand. You will need it. 

The email service allows you to create one or several personalized signatures for your email messages. A signature can include text, images, and a logo/an image of a handwritten signature. also enables you to add a signature or one of the available signatures automatically. Additionally, you can select which signature to use in each particular case. 

To add a signature, do the following: 

1. Open the signature in a browser.

2. Press Ctrl+A (PC) or Command+A (Mac) on the keyboard to select the signature.

3. Press Ctrl+C (PC) or Command+С (Mac) on the keyboard to copy the signature. 
4. Sign in to
5. Select Settings at the top of the page.

6. Click View all Outlook settings. At this point the Settings page opens.

7. Click Email > Compose and reply.

8. Enter the signature name into the Edit signature name field.

9. Position the cursor in the area below the Edit signature name field and press Ctrl+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac) on the keyboard to paste the signature you have copied.

10. In the For New Messages dropdown menu, select Automatically include my signature on new messages I compose if you want your signature to appear on all new messages. 

11. In the For/Replies/Forwards dropdown menu, select Automatically include my signature on messages I forward or reply to if you want your signature to appear on all messages that you reply to or forward.

12. If you need to add another signature, click + New signature and repeat steps 8-11 above. 

Mail on Mac

The Mail email client on Mac allows you to create several personalized signatures.

To add a signature, follow these steps:

1. Open the signature in a browser. 

2. Press Command+A on the keyboard to select the signature. 

3. Press Command+C on the keyboard to copy the signature.

4. In the main menu, select Mail > Preferences. The Signatures window opens.

5. In the first column, select the account where you want to use the signature.

6. In the center column, enter the signature name.

7. Position the cursor in the rightmost column and press Command+V on the keyboard to paste the signature.

8. Make sure the checkbox Always match my default message font is NOT selected. allows you to add several personalized email signatures that can contain images, text, and links.

To integrate a single signature, do the following: 

1. Open the signature in a browser. 

2. Press Ctrl+A (PC) or Command+A (Mac) on the keyboard to select the signature. 

3. Press Ctrl+C (PC) or Command+C (Mac) on the keyboard to copy the signature.  

4. Select Settings > See all settings at the top of the page. The Settings page opens.

5. On the General tab, scroll down to the Signature section.

6. Click + Create new. The Name new signature dialog pops up.

7. Enter the signature name and click Create.

8. Position the cursor in the editor area on the right and press Ctrl+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac) to paste the signature.

9. In the FOR NEW EMAILS USE dropdown menu, select the signature name if you want the signature to appear on all new messages.

10. In the ON REPLY/FORWARD USE dropdown menu, select the signature name if you want the signature to appear on all the messages you reply to or forward.

11. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

Outlook Desktop

The MS Office suite includes, among other applications, the Outlook desktop email client

The signature is saved as an .htm file (not to be confused with .html). This means you need to rename the signature file first, removing ‘l’ in the extension. For example, email.html > email.htm.

To add a signature: 

1. In the main menu, select File.

2. In the window that opens, select Options.

3. Select Mail.

4. Position the cursor on the Signatures… button and press Ctrl+left mouse button. A folder in the Explorer window opens. It contains all the existing email signature sand can hold an unlimited number of signatures. 

5. Put your signature in the .htm format into the folder.

6. Close the window and switch to the email client. 

7. Click New email.

8. Select Signature in the top right-hand corner. A list with all your signatures appears.

9. Select the signature you want to add to your email message.

We hope this guide has been helpful. 

Still have no custom email signature or only have a design you want converted into code and added to the email client of your choice? Feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help. 

Dmytro Mashchenko

Dmytro is the CEO of GetDevDone, an experienced web developer, and a prolific author of in-depth technology and business-related posts. He is always eager to share his years-long expertise with everyone who wants to succeed in the web development field.

For more professional insights from Dmytro, connect with him on LinkedIn.