GetDevDone Blog

Insights into the world of technologies and business for IT professionals and agency owners.

wordpress developers (50 Articles)

How to Edit the Footer in WordPress to Meet Your Needs

The footer of your WordPress webiste may seem its least important element, but, in fact, it can help you strengthen your brand and retain visitors. Read this post to learn why bother editing the footer and how to do that by applying several tried-and-true methods.

Dmytro Mashchenko

CEO of GetDevDone

Create Your Own WordPress Plugin in 4 Easy Steps

WordPress is a highly extensible platform, with tons of plugins to address almost any task. Sometimes, however, installing a plugin can be an overkill. Instead, site owners can change a few lines of code themselves to achieve the purpose. If you want to know how to create a plugin with your own hands, this post is for you.

Valerie Muradian

Web Developer & Content Writer

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress: 1 Advanced and 2 Simple Methods

Learn how to duplicate a page in WordPress the right way by using some tried-and-tested techniques. WordPress is by far the most popular content management system on the planet. It has some truly remarkable features that make its management a breeze for everyone. However, there are certain functions that are “hidden” from the eyes of […]

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