GetDevDone Blog

Insights into the world of technologies and business for IT professionals and agency owners.

Markup (18 Articles)

HTML Meta Tags That Matter for SEO in 2021/22

Do you know which meta tags control how your web page displays on Twitter or Facebook? Which will boost your SEO and which won't? Read this post for the answers to these and other questions related to meta tags.

Dmytro Mashchenko

CEO of GetDevDone

Why a PSD to HTML Conversion Tool Will Not Fully Replace a Front-End Developer Anytime Soon

Learn why a PSD to HTML Converter will hardly be able to beat a front-end developer in the foreseeable future The world of web design and development has made tremendous progress over the past few years. New front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap 4 have greatly facilitated the web development process. Present-day websites are highly dynamic, […]

GetDevDone Team

Why Use Modular Custom-Coded Templates for Your HubSpot Marketing Emails?

If you’ve been looking for an inbound marketing software solution and have chosen HubSpot, we fully support your decision. This popular platform has a ton of advantages, from the ability to integrate with social media and monitor the entire buyer’s journey to extensive customer lists and segmentation possibilities and excellent ROI reporting. HubSpot is used […]

GetDevDone Team

Our Faves: Top Newsletters for People Who Code

Newsletters and RSS feeds are important tools for keeping up with the ever changing world of web design and development. With so much information out there, it’s easy to cram your inbox with junk. No worries! We’ve scoured the internet to find the most relevant and informative web dev newsletters. We think these fall into […]

GetDevDone Team

How to Customize Bootstrap Grid with Sass

The Bootstrap grid system is a very popular technology used on thousands of websites. While it is flexible in its own right, you can make it even more so by customizing it with Saas. Read this hands-on guide to learn how you can do that.

GetDevDone Team

7 Microformats that are worth using

“Designed for humans first and machines second”, microformats are HTML based formats for common data types embedded in HTML documents, mostly by using specific values for class or rel attributes. Using microformats makes it easier to publish and reuse various information such as describing people, events, tags and bunch of other relevant information that can […]

GetDevDone Team