GetDevDone Blog

Insights into the world of technologies and business for IT professionals and agency owners.

Uncategorized (3 Articles)

War in Ukraine

Since day one of the invasion, the company’s top priority has been the safety of our people. Nobody can be fully prepared for war but our business continuity plan is activated and as always we will make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. Although there is a lot on our plate at the moment, we want our clients to know that P2H is fully operational as a company.

GetDevDone Team

The Do’s and Don’ts of Great (and Effective) Blog Design

As blogs have grown in popularity over the past few years, so has blog design and development. Even if you are not a developer or WordPress theme expert, it is likely that at least at one point you’ve been contacted by a client for blog design. If not, with their growing popularity, it will soon […]

GetDevDone Team