White space is among the most important concepts in layout design, yet still one of the most overlooked. A great color scheme and powerful alignment are important, but these elements can still look awful without the use of white space. In the same way, mediocre colors and design can be greatly improved through the proper […]
Many of us here at GetDevDone are big fans of Manoela Ilic, and her work at Codrops. Manoela has published many tutorials, blueprints, and demos to help designers and developers improve their sites and UIs with fancy effects. Today, we will sit down with the mysterious girl behind all this awesome stuff, and chat with […]
What is the key to making a website stand out? You could use interesting graphics or bright colors. More often times though how you layout your website will help you stand out the most. Having something within in the layout different from the norm where objects or logos overlap different sections of the website give […]