- HubSpot, Web Development, WordPress
- 6 min
WordPress vs HubSpot: Is HubSpot a Good WordPress Alternative?
HubSpot claims to be the best WordPress alternative. But is it really the case? Let's find out.
Thanking your site's visitors is extremely important from a business perspective. There are multiple ways you can choose to express your gratitude. In this post, we talk about some of those.
“Please” and “thank you.” Those are two important lessons a young child learns. They’re right up there with “Please don’t paint the cat.” A business also pumps up their “thank you” responses to make sure their customers feel appreciated. But what happens when they are all cyber customers? It would be nice to be able to give them a “thank you” once in a while too. That’s where the web designer and the marketer come into play.
If you’re working on a company’s website and they don’t have a Thank You box, then it’s time you suggest that they get with the program. Please! Here’s what you can show them:
Usually, a website Thank You will pop up after the visitor has complete some sort of form. That can either be a registration card or a specific purchase. You don’t need to thank that visitor for just “stopping by.”
While you have their attention with that Thank You, you could promote other products or materials on your website. This is less of a hard sell and more of a friendly suggestion. After all, they’ve already engaged to get that Thank You, so you don’t have to come at them that hard. It’s more like an added bonus for being a customer.
For example nice, clean and minimal Thank You page of GetDevDone website engages their clients to connect on social media and follow the blog – no pitching, just light and easy motivation.
Jigsaw Health promotes wellness with special supplement compounds. This would be considered a “hard sell” in the sense that the customer is getting a product delivered to their home. This Thank You lets them know that their order is being processed and gives them a customer support number for more questions.
It also has a “ticking clock” special offer. You’ll only see this as the last thing on the website, and only after you’ve made a purchase. The time limit implies that this is an exclusive offer just for you. It totally works when the customer thinks it won’t be that much more to add to the order and, since they’re getting something shipped anyway, why not?
A lot of work goes into promoting webinars. But a person who has made the commitment to attend might not always remember just what they signed up for.
Email marketing resource AWeber takes care of that by allowing the purchaser to instantly link the time and date of the event to their social calendar. They can even set up reminders to make sure they’ll be ready. It’s not so much a direct Thank You in the sense that they’re saying it outright, but it’s still an effective way for a company to show appreciation to a customer.
Source: https://bit.ly/2blaqID
Hubspot wants to help companies fire up their marketing campaigns. To do that, they’ve developed all kinds of helpful software programs that help startups break through the clutter. After a company owner loads up one of those Hubspot programs, they’ll be greeted with a Thank You page that will direct that customers towards all kinds of other terrific programs and offers.
At that point, they’re under no obligation to buy, because they’ve already bought. If they can snag another purchase “on the way out the door,” then it’s a win/win all around.
A lot of companies provide instant access to the products they’re selling in the form of downloads. ConversionXL offers a Thank You that includes an instant PDF download or the email option. Once again, the purchase has been made, so it’s just finding a way to enhance the user experience.
As an added bonus, the company was able to promote an upcoming event. All the user needs to do is share their email for more information. It also helps when the company can humanize this type of response.
Who couldn’t benefit from a powerful password manager like RoboForm? That is the wisdom behind their Thank You page asking you to recommend them to your friends. All it takes is one friend to sign on, and you get the bonus of RoboForm everywhere for free. That’s a nice deal to consider, especially when they make it easy for you to link over to your friend’s information. Instead of being intrusive, you could be considered being helpful. That’s what friends are for!
Your role is not to tell a company how to run their business, but instead to provide them with compelling options that can help them expand that business. A strong Thank You goes a long way towards building customer support and strengthening the brand. That, in a nutshell, is the whole ballgame. You’re welcome!