Emails Shopify

What You Can Do to Fix Issues With the Default Shopify Email Notifications

Shopify provides online merchants with a selection of email notification templates. Unfortunately, these notifications are not free from quirks when displayed on certain platforms and email clients. Read this post to learn what you can do to fix those issues and how GetDevDone can help you achieve the best result.


These days, when someone wants to start selling online, they will most likely pick Shopify as the platform for running their eCommerce business. And there’s a good reason for that. 

Shopify has everything an ambitious Internet merchant needs to succeed, such as collections of modern, engaging themes and powerful apps to automate almost any business task. 

In addition to many helpful features, the vendor also provides online sellers with a selection of email notification templates for all intents and purposes, such as Gift card, New order, Shipping confirmation, Order invoice, and lots of others. 

While we can certainly sing Shopify’s praises for this generous present to store owners, the out-of-the-box notifications are far from perfect. They have some odd little quirks in different email clients and on different platforms, which may negatively impact your customers’ loyalty and bring down the conversion rate. 

What Can Go Wrong With the Default Shopify Email Notifications 

In various projects, we come across some unexpected bugs when working with the default Shopify notifications, and often have to put in a lot of effort trying to find out what has caused the problem. Here are some of the most common examples. 

  • When viewed on a desktop computer in Microsoft Outlook, a default notification may have incorrect margins, as the screenshot below shows. You can also see that the link color inside the button has changed to the browser’s default link color.
  • When displayed on a desktop in Outlook, some textual content in a default Shopify notification gets concatenated, as you can see in this screenshot. Besides, text blocks lose their proper horizontal alignment and shift in relation to each other.
  • When opened in Microsoft Outlook on desktop computers, buttons on notifications are not displayed correctly and their location doesn’t match that in the original design.

How You Can Fix the Issues With the Default Shopify Email Notifications 

Since email notifications are an extremely important part of client communication, you should do your best to ensure that they display flawlessly regardless of the platform or email client your customers favor. 

But there are a host of email clients and all kinds of devices and operating systems. How can you rise to this seemingly insurmountable challenge? 

You could certainly try to fix the problem yourself. But that would mean looking under the hood and changing the faulty template’s code. If you’ve had no previous experience with web technologies, that may take a considerable amount of time, which you could otherwise spend on something more useful for your business. 

A much wiser approach is to hire professional developers like the GetDevDone team and forget about these hassles once and for all. 

We craft custom Shopify email notification templates that are: 

  • Designed in your unique brand style.
  • Cross-platform, cross-browser, and cross-client compatible. We achieve this by testing our templates on 12+ physical devices and across all major operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Linux), browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc.), and email clients (Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Windows Mail, Thunderbird, etc.).  

The list of notifications you can order from us includes: 

  • Abandoned cart
  • Account invite
  • Account password reset
  • Account welcome
  • Contact customer
  • Gift card
  • New order
  • Order canceled
  • Order confirmation
  • Order invoice
  • Order refund
  • Shipping confirmation
  • Shipping delivered
  • Shipping delivery out
  • Shipping update

Need another type of notification? Just give us the text and we’ll do the rest. 

So why wait? Reach out to us today and get high-quality, branded Shopify email notifications that will bring you more loyal customers and conversions.

Dmytro Mashchenko

Dmytro is the CEO of GetDevDone, an experienced web developer, and a prolific author of in-depth technology and business-related posts. He is always eager to share his years-long expertise with everyone who wants to succeed in the web development field.

For more professional insights from Dmytro, connect with him on LinkedIn.