GetDevDone Blog

Insights into the world of technologies and business for IT professionals and agency owners.

web development (48 Articles)

Why You Should Choose Magento for Your Online Store

Before we start our journey into Magento, there is one thing we can tell you for sure: you are here because you want your online store business to succeed. It doesn’t matter whether you are about to launch your first online store or you want to improve an existing one — you have certain needs […]

GetDevDone Team

WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, Adobe Commerce (Magento): Which Platform to Choose for Your Online Store

Struggling to choose the right e-commerce platform for your business? Our comprehensive guide compares the pros and cons of WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, and Adobe Commerce. Discover which platform best fits your business needs and ambitions, and learn how our e-commerce development expertise can help you succeed online.

GetDevDone Team

Animation Comparison: CSS vs. JavaScript

Animated websites are more engaging than static ones. Thus, they can bring more value to businesses. There are two main approaches to web animation: by using JavaScript and by applying CSS. In this post, we compare these methods and provide examples.

GetDevDone Team

Our Faves: Top Newsletters for People Who Code

Newsletters and RSS feeds are important tools for keeping up with the ever changing world of web design and development. With so much information out there, it’s easy to cram your inbox with junk. No worries! We’ve scoured the internet to find the most relevant and informative web dev newsletters. We think these fall into […]

GetDevDone Team

Scary to the Core: 10 Horror Stories for Web Developers

Halloween is fast approaching. You can almost picture the scene. You = at your desk, late at night, working hard on that latest project. Outside = the full moon glows at the window. A chill wind blows. In the distance, a wolf howls… Thankfully, those types of horror-filled scenarios don’t plague us web developers too […]

GetDevDone Team