GetDevDone Blog

Insights into the world of technologies and business for IT professionals and agency owners.

Scary to the Core: 10 Horror Stories for Web Developers

Halloween is fast approaching. You can almost picture the scene. You = at your desk, late at night, working hard on that latest project. Outside = the full moon glows at the window. A chill wind blows. In the distance, a wolf howls… Thankfully, those types of horror-filled scenarios don’t plague us web developers too […]

GetDevDone Team

Why the Best Websites Use White Space

White space is among the most important concepts in layout design, yet still one of the most overlooked. A great color scheme and powerful alignment are important, but these elements can still look awful without the use of white space. In the same way, mediocre colors and design can be greatly improved through the proper […]

GetDevDone Team

How to Customize Bootstrap Grid with Sass

The Bootstrap grid system is a very popular technology used on thousands of websites. While it is flexible in its own right, you can make it even more so by customizing it with Saas. Read this hands-on guide to learn how you can do that.

GetDevDone Team

5 Useful Sass Mixins

Sass is a popular CSS preprocessor that provides the benefit of variables for web developers. In this post, we have reviewed five Sass mixins to facilitate building web pages.

GetDevDone Team

Thinking Outside the Box in Web Design

What is the key to making a website stand out? You could use interesting graphics or bright colors. More often times though how you layout your website will help you stand out the most. Having something within in the layout different from the norm where objects or logos overlap different sections of the website give […]

GetDevDone Team

Web-Designer Types and Stereotypes

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “web-designer”? Have an image in your head? Then read on… This post is dedicated to these amazing and talented individuals and stereotypes that surround them. Do you think you could single a web-designer from the crowd? Probably.

GetDevDone Team